Tis the season for beautiful tomatoes and peaches and apricots and nectarines. And if you want to can them or make jam, cobbler, ice cream and the like you need to peel them. PUT DOWN the vegetable peeler. You'll just end up ripping the soft fleshed fruit. Instead you want to blanch them.
All blanching means is to put the fruit briefly in boiling water then once the peel starts cracking, quickly move it to ice water to stop the cooking. Then you just slough off the peel, leaving the beautiful fruit behind.
Watch how easy it is.
A few extra tips:
Tomatoes: Cut an x in the bottom end of the tomato with a sharp knife before putting in the boiling water. Usually takes 30-60 seconds for the skin to start peeling.
Peaches and apricots: If the fruit is firm and slightly under ripe, score an x on the bottom like tomatoes. If they are very ripe I don't bother and the skin always comes right off.
If you don't have a metal colander to submerge your fruit in the pot, use a slotted spoon to remove them from the boiling water.
And here are a few ideas to make with the peeled fruit:
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